
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Crafty Once Again

I finally found a moment of peace for a few minutes of craftiness.  I have been bombarded with inspirations and I have been extremely frustrated because of the lack of time. 

This past Thursday I finally found the time and energy to craft and bake! What?!!! Yes, double whammy.

My school was hosting a bake sale to raise money for The Red Cross in order to contribute to Japan's recovery.  My heart was so full and I was bursting with joy and pride after this event.  One of the 4th grade classes thought up the idea and they were the ones to organize and promote the event.  I am always thrilled to get youth socially conscious about the world.

Well, after they announced the bake sale, I had my opportunity and I was going to take it!  I decided to bake a few sugar cookies and I have to admit that my decision to bake sugar cookies was influenced by my great Thrift Store find.  I was lucky enough to find a bag full of wonderful cookie cutters at Thrift Town for only $3. Yes! Only $3.  Can you believe my luck.

Here are some pictures of my find. 

There is a cookie cutter for every holiday!

My favorite cookie cutter :)

I decided to make a few little button cookies which were inspired by this post, this post, and this post. 

All I did to make my button cookies was to use the top to the baking  powder container as a cookie cutter and use  a meat thermometer to add the holes. 

I followed this recipe for the cookies and this recipe for the frosting.  They were both amazing and really easy to follow.  I am happy to say that all my cookies sold.  Our school was able to raise about $800 from the bake sale.  So proud, *tear*.

After I finished baking and decorating, my crafty juices were flowing, I had to keep going.  I decided to finally use the felt I purchased earlier and make a little gift for a friend who was feeling under the weather.

I was inspired by this mobile and the idea to make it into a pin was just because I wanted to make it miniature.

First I cut all my pieces out.  I was originally going to make two, but by 10pm I had to go to bed and I didn't have the time or energy to finish two little rainy day clouds.

Then I blanket stitched the could.  After I finished the little cloud I blanket stitched every rain drop, making sure to have enough thread to attach to the the cloud when done. I attached the raindrops in ROYGBIV order, yes I know that the yellow and orange are switched. 

I really like the outcome and hope to post some on my etsy site before spring really blooms.  These are perfect for all the May showers to come. 

The little pin

Raindrops keep falling on my head...

Happy Spring!



  1. oh, thanks for linking the cloud mobile. I love your little pin! I, too, fancy the blanket stitch. Awesome, now I want one too!

  2. Super cute! I would love to work together online, and I could add a button to your shop on my blog! Let me know when you get your etsy going ;)

  3. CUTE!! love it. <3

  4. I would love to work with you Nikki!!!!

    I need someone to work on a button for my blog and I need to keep my etsy going too.
